5 Dating Tips for Introverts
In this video, you’ll learn 5 dating tips for introverts to help make dating more enjoyable and less draining.
Introverts often take more time than extroverts to form meaningful relationships. And they don’t feel as comfortable in social settings where most people go for dates.
That’s why online dating can be a great fit for introverts. Rather than shouting over loud music at a social gathering or bar – an introvert’s nightmare – they can browse potential matches from the comfort of their home. And they can take their time when writing messages to the people they connect with online. Perfect for those of us who like to think and process before we speak or write.
But that doesn’t necessarily make online dating fun or easy. In this video, I share 5 dating tips for introverts to make online dating more enjoyable and less draining.
5 Dating Tips for Introverts
What is introversion?
According to Susan Cain, the Author of Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking, there’s a big difference between being shy, having social anxiety, and being an introvert.
Susan says, “Shyness is about the fear of social judgment. Introversion is much more about the preference for environments where there’s just a little less going on.”
Introverts get recharged in quiet, while extroverts get recharged in stimulating environments. That’s why introverts can get drained on dates unless they practice self-care.
5 Dating Tips for Introverts
- Manage your time, so you don’t get burned out
- Come prepared with good questions to make conversations more meaningful
- Take time to recharge after phone calls and dates
- Spend less time on text or phone before meeting
- Choose a dating environment that’s quieter and less overwhelming
If you’re an introvert, please share your biggest struggles in dating. What are your takeaways from this video?
If you want support in finding love online, join my online dating course before registration closes October 30, 2022. If you see this after registration closes, sign up to get on the wait list for the next course.
If you’re feeling stuck in dating and relationships and would like to find the love of your life, apply for a complimentary 45-minute breakthrough session with Sandy here: https://lastfirstdate.com/application
If you want to go deeper with Sandy about this topic and many others in a warm, intimate group setting, check out the Woman of Value Club monthly membership group. Great value/low price!
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