The Art of Flirting in Real Life

flirting in real life

How comfortable are you with flirting in real life? If flirting feels scary or fake and you don’t know how to begin, watch this video!

If the idea of flirting in real life out in the wild feels overwhelming or daunting, this video is for you. You’re never too old to flirt, and you miss all the chances you don’t take, so let’s dive in…

The Art of Flirting in Real Life

Why flirting feels uncomfortable

If you’re like me, you grew up thinking flirting was awkward. It was about being fake or manipulative. Or it was about making sexual overtures that you may or may not want to follow through on.

But, what if we reframed flirting? What if we thought of flirting as play and connection. Doesn’t that feel better already?

5 Tips for Flirting in Real Life

1. Go to events or activities where you’ll have fun AND meet eligible men. Put yourself in situations where you’ll meet like-minded men. It makes flirting so much more organic.

2. Make eye contact and smile. Simply look up from your phone and make eye contact. Smile, say hello. You’d be surprised how easy this is, and how affective it can be.

3. Pay him a compliment (or 2 or 3). Compliment his eyes, his shoes, his bald head. This creates instant connection.

4. Find something you have in common and talk about it. You both like seltzer? hiking? reading? Find that common interest, and it will be a wonderful conversation starter.

5. Close the deal. Exchange phone numbers. Plan to meet for coffee. Give him your business card.

Practice these five tips, and flirting will become easier and more fun. I guarantee it!

If you’re feeling stuck in dating and relationships and would like to finally find love, sign up for a complimentary 45-minute love breakthrough session with Sandy and explore how private coaching can help!

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Get a copy of Sandy’s books, Becoming a Woman of Value; How to Thrive in Life and Love and Choice Points in Dating: Empowering Women to Make Healthier Decisions in Love.

from Last First Date


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