The Top 5 Worst Things to Say on a First Date

first date

Have you ever regretted something you said on a first date? Follow these 5 tips to avoid the biggest dating conversation mistakes!

First date conversations can be a little scary. You’re getting to know someone for the first time, and you might be at a loss for what to say. Or you’re afraid of saying the wrong thing. You’re trying to show up as your best, but if there’s some chemistry, you may be awkward and say things you’ll regret. That’s why I’m sharing the top five worst things you can say on a first date and what to say instead.

The 5 Worst Things to Say on a First Date

1. Don’t share your insecurities. It’s one thing to be a little self-deprecating. It’s another to share how inferior you feel about your intelligence, looks, income, or anything else. That’s a turn-off.

Do: Fake it til you make it. Smile, square your shoulders, and share the good stuff on a first date. What are you proud of? What are you excited about? Share that!

2. Don’t be judgmental. First dates are first impressions, which is why you don’t want to come across as judgmental, especially about your date. Don’t make offhand negative or sarcastic comments about things like what they’re wearing, ordering, how they look, or their job, especially if you don’t feel a connection.

Do: Even if you don’t feel chemistry or compatibility with your date and don’t like certain things about them, be kind. Always be kind.

3. Don’t badmouth your exes. When you speak badly about your exes, it reflects negatively on you. Why? Because you’re acting like a victim and blaming exes for what happened in the relationship or why it ended. You’re not taking responsibility for your share.

Do: There’s nothing sexier than someone who displays personal growth after a relationship has ended. They take responsibility for their part in why a relationship didn’t work out. It shows self-awareness and a willingness to do better next time. 

4. Don’t share stories of bad first dates. You’re on a date with the person in front of you. Why would you share stories about bad dates with this person? It takes the focus off of getting to know your date, and there are so many other things to talk about that would be more engaging. 

Do: Tell stories about your travels or hobbies. Prepare a few good stories to share on a date that have nothing to do with bad dates, and you’ll end up having a much more engaging and interesting conversation. 

5. Don’t compliment your date too much. You’re really hitting it off with your date, and you want to let them know how awesome, good looking, smart, funny they are. You can’t wait to take them to a concert, have them over for dinner, introduce them to your friends. Too much! Even if you have a wonderful first date, it takes time to get to know someone, and too much too soon is a turnoff.

Do: Give a compliment or two about something they’re wearing, doing, or saying. That feels genuine and will help you create good vibes.

In conclusion: First dates usually feel a bit awkward, so don’t worry if you have a little anxiety. Most of us are a bit jittery before meeting someone for the first time. And while it’s helpful to steer away from certain conversations, the most important thing is to be authentic, interesting, and interested in the other person. 

My suggestions for what NOT to talk about on a first date are meant to serve as a helpful guide to help you succeed in dating. Remember to stay true to yourself, avoid pushing or overstepping boundaries, and have fun!

If you’re feeling stuck in dating and relationships and would like to finally find your match, sign up for a complimentary 45-minute love breakthrough session with Sandy

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Get a copy of Sandy’s books, Becoming a Woman of Value; How to Thrive in Life and Love and Choice Points in Dating; Empowering Women to Make Healthier Decisions in Love.

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