
Showing posts from December, 2024

What Can You Do When Your Libidos Don’t Match?

You and your partner’s libidos don’t match. What can you do? Sex Therapist, Susan Morgan Taylor, has valuable tips. — When your libidos don’t match, who do you call? Susan Morgan Taylor! She is a leading somatic sex therapist who helps couples deepen their intimacy and create lasting, fulfilling connections. With over 25 years of experience in somatic healing, she developed The Pleasure Keys Process , a powerful approach to reigniting sexual and emotional harmony in relationships. After a personal awakening from a sexless marriage, Susan became passionate about helping others remove obstacles to pleasure, love, and orgasm. She is also the creator of the Pleasure Keys Retreats and host of the Sex Talk Café Podcast. When not working, she enjoys hiking and singing karaoke in the mountains of Western North Carolina. In this episode of Last First Date Radio: The #1 obstacle to pleasure and how to overcome it Why low sex drive in women is a myth and how we can rewrite the narrative ...

5 Signs You’re in a Situationship (and what to do about it if you are)

How do you know if you’re in a situationship? And what do you do if you’re not happy and want more? Watch this video! — Have you ever been in a situationship — a non-exclusive relationship that has no labels or definition? That person you sleep with when they’re in town for work, or your post-breakup rebound that you’ve been seeing weekly for several months, but you’re both still seeing other people?  A situationship can work if it’s a transitional phase as people get to know each other before they take a step into a deeper commitment. But what if it never moves forward and stagnates? We often stay in these types of stuck relationships because we like hanging out and hooking up with these people. It feels good in the moment. Secretly, we might be hoping the relationship will grow into something more. If that’s the case, the anxiety and frustration can take a toll on your mental health. It’s almost impossible to stay emotionally unattached to someone we’re intimate with. And ...

Using ACTive Communication in Dating and Relationships

If you struggle with communication in dating, this episode is for you. Christopher Peck shares actionable tools for speaking up early on. — How’s your communication in dating and relationships? Christopher Peck, M.F.A., has trained thousands of actors, storytellers, business professionals, and public speakers to bridge intention and impact using theatre tools and techniques. With over twenty-five years of experience in acting, writing, and directing, he focuses on communication as the key to influence and success. Christopher lives in Denver, CO with his wife, son, and rescue dog, Presley. In this episode of Last First Date Radio: How ACTive Communication applies to dating and relationships  Techniques to improve daily communication Tips for showing up authentically on a first date How to prepare mentally and emotionally for a first date  How  to make a great first impression How nervousness or anxiety impact communication on a first date, and what can be don...

5 Survival Tips When You’re Single For The Holidays

Single for the holidays? In this video, I share 5 great tips for surviving and thriving when you’re single during the holiday season. — Are you single for the holidays? It can be a challenging time. Family members ask annoying questions about why you’re still single. How do you answer them without getting defensive? We see happy couples on social media, movies and TV, and it can make us feel bad that we don’t have a partner. If you want to know how to handle these challenges, I’ve got you covered with the following five helpful tips for surviving and thriving during the holidays. 5 Survival Tips When You’re Single For The Holidays 1. Be prepared for annoying questions. One of the hardest parts about family gatherings during the holidays is the annoying questions from (mostly) well-meaning family members. It can be hard to deal with these questions if you’re not prepared. Here are a few questions and some comebacks: Question: Are you dating anyone? “Good question. Are yo...

The Role of the Nervous System in Healing Painful Relationships

A healthy nervous system = healthy relationships. Tune into this podcast episode about how to regulate your nervous system. — What is the role of the nervous system in healing painful relationships? My podcast, Esin Pinarli, has the answers! She is a holistic psychotherapist and relationship expert specializing in IMAGO therapy, brainspotting, Internal Family Systems (IFS), somatic practices, and psychodrama. Through an integrative experiential approach, she helps individuals and couples suffering from anxiety, depression, addiction, codependency, trauma, and relational attachment issues to navigate life’s challenges so they can become fully alive, supported, and whole.  In this episode of Last First Date Radio: How our nervous system influences our emotional responses in relationships The relationship between our attachment wounds and our nervous system How stress in relationships impacts our nervous systems Practical exercises for calming the nervous system when trigge...

Do You Need to Fully Heal Before Dating Again?

In this video, we explore whether you need to fully heal before dating again after a breakup or loss of a partner. — Do you need to fully heal before dating after a breakup? When is the right time to start dating again after a relationship ends? There no one-size-fits-all answer. Before you can decide for yourself whether you’re ready to date again, it’s helpful to ask yourself the following five questions.   5 Questions to Ask Yourself Before Dating Again Have I learned enough about the obstacles or challenges I brought to my last relationship and taken small steps to shift those patterns so I don’t repeat them in the next relationship? Does my frustration, anger, resentment, bitterness, pain, sadness, or grief towards my previous partner/the breakup still come up often in my thoughts, emotions, and body? Has there been enough time and space after the last relationship to date a new person without comparing everything they say or do to my previous partner? Am I secretl...

Top Gay Dating Sites for Hot Guys

Online dating for gay men can often feel like a minefield filled with unsettling tales. It’s a journey that traces back to the days of Craigslist m4m, marking a significant rite of passage in the World Wide Web of hookups. While it can lead to meaningful connections , it also comes with its fair share of risks. Explore how to safely dive into the big scene of hot guys the LGBTQ+ community has to offer with Gotham Club’s guide to the top gay dating sites. The search for love is already a sad plight for those who walk the straight and narrow.   For those in the LGBTQ+ community, navigating the online dating scene can be particularly tricky, often dampening the overall experience. Issues like ghosting and catfishing remain prevalent, but there are also awkward encounters with individuals who pry into your past, straight men who don’t belong in your dating pool, and instances of overt fetishization. Not quite the exhilarating rush we’re all hoping for, is it? Even with the ch...

How to Trust Again After Betrayal

How do you trust again after betrayal? Listen to this episode of Last First Date Radio and hear me coach a woman after a breakup. — Karen is a fifty-nine year old divorced woman who wants to know how to trust again after betrayal. She was in a four-year passionate relationship that recently ended when he decided he wanted to work away six months of the year. They got back together briefly earlier this year, but the feelings were gone.  He also revealed that he slept with an ex and had lied about it, so the trust was also broken. Six months have passed, and she feels ready to date again. She’s on a few apps and finding there are very few men she finds attractive in her age range. She wants to know where to find her last first date. Listen to the podcast to find out… EP 638: Coaching Session with Karen – How to Trust Again After Betrayal Highlights of this episode of Last First Date Radio: Why she took her boyfriend back after breaking up Why she ended things in...

Learn How to Date The Golden Bachelorette: Why The Show Became So Popular

Hey reader, Magic Leone here is bringing you guides to help you navigate the world of dating in this modern age. This week, I want to talk more about the trend of dating older women and how this made The Golden Bachelorette a hit show for all of the MILF lovers out there. The Golden Bachelorette seems to have shaken things up compared to typical dating shows. It’s brought in a ton of fresh and thought-provoking views on dating at different ages and challenged the usual ideas about dating someone much older. Generally, older guys seem to have an easier time in the dating scene than older women, mainly because society tends to be more okay with it, and younger women are often more open to those May-December romances. Meanwhile, older women are thought to be less keen on dating younger men seriously, as they typically are just looking for some fun and new experiences. Not a surprise there! On its premiere last September 18, The Golden Bachelorette showcased ravishing male baby boomer...

5 Tips for Mastering the Art of Small Talk on Dates

What do you say on first dates? In this video, I share 5 tips for mastering the essential art of small talk on a first date! — Do you hate small talk, the seemingly meaningless conversations we often have on first dates? Small talk is actually an essential skill. When done well, it leads to deeper connections, especially when you’re dating. These first conversations can help us establish rapport, become more relaxed, and uncover common interests.  If the thought of engaging in small talk makes you cringe, you’re in luck! I’m sharing five valuable tips for mastering the art of small talk in dating so you can create more meaningful connections. 5 Tips for Mastering the Art of Small Talk on Dates Tip #1: Be curious and interested The key to successful small talk in dating is to show genuine interest in your date. How do you do that? Ask open-ended questions that invite thoughtful responses and encourage your date to share their thoughts and experiences. Actively listen to...

What Brings Out the Best and Worst in Men

Ladies, if you think you understand men, think again. My podcast guest, Alison Armstrong shares what brings out the best and worst in men! — Alison Armstrong’s exploration of human behavior began in 1991 with a decision to find out what brings out the best and worst in men. This naturally led to studying women’s behavior and making vital connections between the two. Alison offers practical, partnership-based alternatives to what we’re instinctively compelled to do. She continues to give millions of people access to more fulfilling lives, loving relationships, stronger families and productive organizations.  In this episode of Last First Date Radio: What brings out the best in and worst in men What traits do men value in a woman What men and women get wrong about each other Communication tools that help men and women connect more deeply EP 637: Alison Armstrong – What Brings Out the Best and Worst in Men This conversation was so good, I’m sharing the entire transcript i...