5 Biggest Dating Fears and How to Overcome Them

What are the top five dating fears that hold you back from finding love? Watch this video to find out and learn how to overcome them.
Dating fears can keep you from doing the one thing you need to do to find love — dating! But, dating is harder than it’s ever been. Between fake dating profiles, ghosting, rejection, fear of commitment, and the time and energy it can take to find a match, many people give up on dating. And if you’re dating after a breakup, divorce or long period of abstinence, those fears can feel even more magnified.
But, it doesn’t have to be so scary or complicated. Dating can actually be a fun and exciting experience if we overcome the fears that hold us back.
5 Biggest Dating Fears and How to Overcome Them
Dating Fear #1: Fear of rejection. This is a common fear where someone worries about being turned down or not being considered attractive enough by a potential partner. Here’s the thing: if you show up authentically as the best version of yourself and they don’t like you, they are simply the wrong person for you. So much better to discover that on early on than spend valuable time and energy on the wrong person.
Dating Fear #2: Fear of not being good enough. Do you feel like you don’t measure up to someone else’s standards or that you lack qualities they desire? Do you feel you are not good enough to meet someone who likes you, wants to see more of you and maybe even have a relationship with you? If that’s the case, ask yourself where that belief comes from. Once you unpack the origin of that belief, ask yourself if it’s true. 100% without a doubt true. You’ll soon discover that your fear was based on false premises, and you deserve to allow yourself to have a wonderful relationship. There is someone out there who will be the perfect match.
Dating Fear #3: Fear of vulnerability. Do you feel guarded on dates, afraid to open up emotionally and share vulnerable aspects of yourself with someone new? If you don’t let down your guard, you’ll never have the intimacy you crave. You’ll never be fully seen or understood. And you might miss an incredible connection with someone special. Take baby steps in letting down your guard and opening up. Just saying, “I’m feeling a little nervous meeting you for the first time” is a good way to start.
Dating Fear #4:Fear of commitment. Are you afraid to fully invest in a relationship due to past experiences or a fear of getting tied down to the wrong partner? This means you have work to do. I suggest working with a therapist or a coach like me to unpack your fear of commitment so you can learn to trust again.
Dating Fear #5: Fear of being alone. Do you stop yourself from dating, because you’re afraid of ending up single and without a partner? Some people date without clarity or discernment when they have a fear of being alone. If you yearn for companionship, it’s important to date more selectively. Quality over quantity.
In conclusion, if you have dating fears…
Ask yourself, “What’s the worst that can happen on a first date?” If you meet somewhere public and safe for a short date, you might have a great connection. And if it doesn’t work out and you feel uncomfortable, you can end the date whenever you like. Stay sober, so you can be in control of when and how you want to end the date. If this person is not a good match, or you are not their cup of tea, it can be disappointing. But if you have learned from each experience and apply that knowledge to future dates, you’ll soon go on your last first date.
If you’re feeling stuck in dating and relationships and would like to finally find love, sign up for a complimentary 45-minute love breakthrough session with Sandy https://lastfirstdate.com/application
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Get a copy of Sandy’s books, Becoming a Woman of Value; How to Thrive in Life and Love and Choice Points in Dating; Empowering Women to Make Healthier Decisions in Love and Love at Last: True Stories of Falling in Love Later in Life
from Last First Date https://ift.tt/JzN0kEq
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